Join Us

We are ready to share our passion!
Let's start a journey where our body and mind are connected through skiing!
We will stand by your side and guide you to your best skiing ever and let that inspire you to more skiing and more amazing mountain experiences.

Private Coaching

1-2 persons
Coaching 60 minutes 1 000 kr
Coaching 90 minutes 1 500 kr
Coaching 120 minutes    2 000 kr
Half day       3 000 kr
Full day            5 000 kr

3-4 persons
Coaching 60 minutes 1 500 kr
Coaching 90 minutes 2 000 kr
Coaching 120 minutes    3 000 kr
Half day            3 500 kr
Full day       6 000 kr

All Mountain Technique Deluxe

Essence of Skiing could be the most functional and effective way of using your body, mind and your equipment to master your way down the whole mountain. You will get access to our long lived experience and get access to our tools and awareness about what is possible to achieve with new conscious choices that will bring much more ease and joy.

3 half days, maximum 5 persons 9 000 kr

 Favorite Runs Touring

Simply, this is a chance to experience a day on the mountain with one of the most knowledgable guides and ski coaches you can find.

Full day, 1-2 persons 6 000 kr
Full day 3-5 persons 7 000 kr

* Special arrangements can be made